Last Week’s Vocabulary


Readings for Last Week

Listening for Last Week

Grammar for Last Week

  • Combining some and any

Vocabulary for this Week


Readings for this Week

Listening for this Week

Grammar for this Week


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Chapter 24 –  A Recovering Jerk

  1. What is one goal Pausch wanted to achieve in terms of his students?
  2. How can educators best serve students?
  3. What do many people compare college tuition to?
  4. What does Pausch compare it to?
  5. What was the hardest thing that Pausch had to do as an educator?
  6. What does Pausch think is one cause of the downward spiral in education?
  7. What delivery system was used in Pausch’s classroom when he taught “Building Virtual Worlds?”
  8. What was Pausch’s experience with one student whom others found particularly obnoxious?
  9. What did Pausch say gave him the moral authority to be forthright with this particular student?
  10. What did Pausch do for this particular student that helped him improve?


Chapter 25 –  Training a Jedi

  1. What childhood dream did Tommy Burnett, an artist and computer wiz, who wanted a job on Pausch’s research team, have?
  2. What response did Pausch have for him?
  3. What job did Tommy want as a kid after he saw Star Wars?
  4. What made Pausch hire a dreamer like Tommy on his team?
  5. What did he learn from Pausch while working on his team?
  6. What was the most important piece of advice that Pausch gave Tommy in terms of what he expected of those working on his team?
  7. What was remarkable about Pausch’s move from the University of Virginia to Carnegie Mellon in terms of his employees?
  8. What happened to Tommy?
  9. What is luck, according to Pausch?
  10. What job did Tommy have on the three Star Wars films?
  11. On Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, what was so cool about Tommy’s job?
  12. What field trip did Pausch take his students on a few years later?
  13. What reputation did Pausch have as a teacher?
  14. What did Tommy say when a students wanted to know how luck would help them in the movie industry in their field of computer graphics?
  15. What did Pausch say was so special about that moment?

Chapter 26 –  They Just Blew Me Away 

  1. What questions did Pausch ponder, given the fact that he was a self-described “efficiency freak?”
  2. How did he apply the answer to his question?
  3. What was its premise?
  4. How many students and from what disciplines were the students?
  5. How was the course structured?
  6. What were the two rules Pausch established for students’ virtual reality worlds?
  7. How did the students perform in the course?
  8. What was Pausch’s dilemma?
  9. Whom did he seek advice from, and what was the advice he was offered?
  10. Was the advice taken? Why was Pausch given this advice?
  11. What kinds of projects did Pausch’s students create?
  12. What happened on show-and-tell days?
  13. What comment did Carnegie Mellon’s president, Jared Cohon, make to Pausch?
  14. What did Pausch love most about his course?
  15. What way did Pausch find to crank his work up a notch?
  16. What was established with the help of drama professor Don Marinelli and Pausch?
  17. Why was the program so successful?
  18. What happened when others found out about the program?
  19. What other plans were in the works?
  20. What was the greatest thing that Pausch said evolved from this endeavor?

Chapter 27 – The Promised Land 

  1. What is Alice and who developed her?
  2. How does Alice work?
  3. How much does Alice cost? How many times had she been downloaded at the time this book was written?
  4. How does Alice teach student the “fake head” premise?
  5. What was Walt Disney’s dream for Disney World?
  6. How does Disney’s dream apply to Alice?
  7. Who is in charge of Alice?
  8. What was Pausch’s response when asked by a colleague, “Why is it [Alice] so much fun?
  9. How did Caitlin Kelleher expand Alice for her doctoral dissertation?
  10. What is Dr. Kelleher doing now at Washington University in St. Louis?
  11. How did Pausch have a better understanding of Moses and how he got to the promised land even though he wasn’t there?
  12. What will millions of students learn though Alice?


Last Week’s Vocabulary


Readings for Last Week

Listening for Last Week

Grammar for Last Week

Vocabulary for this Week


Readings for this Week

Listening for this Week

Grammar for this Week: Combining some and any

Begin with a review test of Some and Any here

Now read about combining some and any to make compound words

Compounds Sentences
something, anything There is something wrong with our car.
someone, anyone* There is someone at the door.
somebody, anybody* I would like to be somebody.
someday Someday he’ll be rich.
sometime, anytime We saw her sometime last month.
sometimes I sometimes take the bus to school.
someplace, anyplace, somewhere, anywhere Can’t you sing somewhere else?
somehow, anyhow, someway, anyway She looked ill, somehow.
anymore I can’t help you anymore.

What is the difference between someone and somebody?

  • someone is used for a more special person and somebody for a person in general.
  • There’s someone at the door.
  • I’d like to be somebody.

Finish with a Quiz


LL Study Questions – Chapter 20212223

Chapter 20 – In Fifty Years, It Never Came Up

  1. What did Pausch find in his father’s belongings after his death?
  2. What kind of mystery did Pausch’s dad give to his children?
  3. What surprising thing did Pausch discover about his father while he was in the army in 1945?
  4. What lesson did Pausch learn from this experience? 

Chapter 21 – Jai 

  1. What is one thing that Jai learned from Randy? 
  2. What happened when Pausch wanted to take his family to visit his relatives during Christmas?
  3. How did Jai handle Pausch’s spreading his clean and dirty clothes around the room?
  4. What is one way that Jai handled negative tings that her husband did?
  5. Why was the last New Year’s Eve so emotional for Pausch?
  6. What did Jai do later on that same evening to cheer Pausch up?
  7. What did Jai say was one of the best parts of her day?
  8. What was the “magical moment” of the Christmas Eve with Pausch’s wife and children?
  9. What is one piece of useful information that Jai read from a website from a wife whose husband was dying with pancreatic cancer?
  10. What has been a good outlet for Jai when she needs to vent about her husband’s situation or to complain about him?
  11. What are some lessons that she has learned from Pausch?
  12. What was one of his New Year’s resolutions?

Chapter 22 – The Truth Can Set You Free

  1. What happened when Pausch was approached by a police officer for speeding?
  2. How did the cop respond?
  3. What was the cop’s dilemma when it came to Pausch?
  4. What did Pausch do to convince the officer not to give him a ticket?
  5. What was Pausch’s reaction?

Chapter 23 – I’m On My Honeymoon, If You Need Me …

  1. Explain why Pausch left the grocery store happier to have an extra fifteen minutes than 16 dollars.
  2. What truth did Pausch realize about time?
  3. What was the first truth Pausch learned about time?
  4. What was the second truth Pausch discovered about time?
  5. What question should we be asking ourselves in regard to time? What example did he cite to prove his point?
  6. On what matter did Jai consider Pausch to be “compulsive?” What response did he give to Jai?
  7. What one trick kept Pausch from having to hang on the phone for long periods of time?
  8. What two techniques did Pausch have for keeping unnecessary calls shorter?
  9. What technique did Pausch use for annoying telemarketers?
  10. What technique did he use to have a short conversation with someone at work?
  11. What did Pausch say is an important skill as a professor and as a father?
  12. How did Pausch handle callers who wanted to contact him on his honeymoon?
  13. What did Pausch say is the one thing we all have but lessens as we age?

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Chapter 16 – Romancing the Brick Wall

  1. Why did Pausch think there are brick walls?
  2. How old was Pausch when he met his future wife?
  3. What kind of home did he have?
  4. What was Jai’s job in the fall of 1998?
  5. How did Jai find out more information about Randy?
  6. Why was Pausch reluctant to settle down? Why was Jai?
  7. After Pausch returned to Pittsburgh from speaking in Orlando, what did he offer Jai?
  8. What did Pausch say in a note to her?
  9. When Pausch offered Jai a ring and got her to move to Pittsburgh, her attitude changed toward him. What did she say to him? How did he feel?
  10. What advice did Pausch’s parents offer him?
  11. After his week of teaching and being in an office from Jai, what was her response?

Chapter 17 – Not All Fairy Tales End Smoothly 

  1. What was different about Pausch’s and Jai’s wedding and reception?
  2. What happened to them that got their marriage off to a rocky start?
  3. What did Pausch say to the ballooner when he saw a train track at the edge of the field?
  4. What advice did the ballooner give the couple if the balloon hit the ground?
  5. What did the couple learn from their experience?
  6. What was the final touch to the wedding package?

Chapter 18 – Lucy, I’m Home 

  1. What was the I-Love-Lucy episode that Pausch recalls early in his marriage?
  2. What was Pausch’s reaction when Jai mentioned the disaster that had occurred?
  3. After the damage was assessed, what was Pausch’s surprising response?
  4. What did this disaster symbolize to Pausch?

Chapter 19 – A New Year’s Story

  1. What situation occurred on New Year’s Eve?
  2. What was Pausch told about his wife’s condition?
  3. What assumption did Pausch make about the B team?
  4. What job was Pausch given at the hospital?
  5. Why did Pausch’s father think it was humorous?
  6. What did Pausch do alleviate his wife’s fears?
  7. What two things did the doctor tell Pausch and Jai about the birth of their first child?
  8. How did Dylan look after his birth?
  9. What did Pausch and Jai think when they went to the hospital and saw Dylan’s bassinette gone?
  10. What would have been the worst case scenario?
  11. What did the new parents learn from this experience?

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Chapter 13 – The Man in the Convertible

  1. Who was the man in the convertible, and what was he doing?
  2. What did the image remind Robbee Kosak, Carnegie Mellon’s President for Advancement, of?
  3. Why did Robbee’s email mean so much to Pausch?

Chapter 14 – The Dutch Uncle

  1. What was Pausch’s attitude toward his older sister when he was 7 and she was 9?
  2. What did Tammy do that was totally unexpected?
  3. How did the school handle the situation?
  4. How did Pausch’s mother handle it?
  5. How did Pausch’s father handle it?
  6. How did Pausch’s friend Scott Sherman perceive his behavior when he was at Brown University?
  7. Why didn’t Pausch notice that his behavior was offensive to others?
  8. What advice did Prof. Van Dam, a computer science professor, say to Pausch about the latter’s behavior?
  9. What is the meaning of “a Dutch uncle?”
  10. What was ironic about this phrase?
  11. What did some of Pausch’s friends call him How did Pausch perceive his flaws?

Chapter 15  – Pouring Soda in the Backseat

  1. How was Pausch’s identify seen for a long time?
  2. What advice did Pausch’s sister Laura give her kids when they took a ride in her brother’s new Volkswagen?
  3. What outrageous thing did Uncle Randy do while Laura was explaining the rules about their riding in his car?
  4. What did they think about their uncle then?
  5. Why was Pausch glad he had already “christened” his car?
  6. What two rules did he have for his niece and nephew when they rode in his car?
  7. Uncle Randy was an unconventional uncle.  What did he do to show he was different from most uncles?
  8. What special favor did Pausch ask of his niece and nephew when they were adults?
  9. What did he want his niece and nephew to tell Pausch’s children about him?
  10. If his kids mess up their cars, what did Pausch hope would happen?

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Chapter 11 – The Happiest Place on Earth

  1. What adventure did Pausch’s family take when he was 8 years old?
  2. When Pausch got his Ph.D., where did he send his letter of application?
  3. What response did he get?
  4. What did he learn about brick walls?
  5. In 1995, when Pausch built a system called “Virtual Reality on Five Dollars a Day,” what did he learn?
  6. Whom did he speak with?
  7. How did he prepare for his meeting?
  8. What offer was made to Pausch when he explained that he had a sabbatical coming up?
  9. From the questions that was asked, what did Pausch realize about the academic and entertainment culture?
  10. What were the terms of his offer from Imagineering?
  11. What advice did he get from two deans?
  12. What is the difference in the two responses?
  13. What proves how “geeky” Pausch really was?

Chapter 12 – The Park is Open Until 8 p.m.

  1. When did the author’s medical problem begin?
  2. What symptom was he having?
  3. What did the CT reveal?  How long did it take for him to see how bad his condition was?
  4. How did Pausch approach his diagnosis?
  5. Why did his doctors think Pausch was a “fun patient?”
  6. What remark did Pausch make to Dr. Herb Zeh, a Pittsburgh surgeon?
  7. What was the “Whipple operation” that Pausch endured?
  8. How did Pausch hear about his check-up results with Dr. Wolff before he spoke with him?
  9. What did Pausch consider a “glaring operational flaw?”
  10. Why was he fascinated by the bad news Dr. Wolff had given him?
  11. Why couldn’t Pausch get a liver transplant?
  12. What kind of treatment would be used on Pausch?
  13. What is Pausch’s wish for every medical student considering oncology?
  14. What question did Pausch ask after he heard about his treatment plan?
  15. How did Pausch feel about the news?

LL Study Questions – 8910

Chapter 8 – You’ll Find Me Under “V”

  1. Pausch says he could picture a “paperless world,” but admits he grew up in a very different time.  What book fascinated him?
  2. What was one of his childhood dreams in terms of writing?
  3. What opportunity was finally presented to Pausch?
  4. What is the significance of the chapter’s title?

Chapter 9 – A Skill Set Called Leadership

  1. What character did Pausch aspire to be in the 1960s?
  2. Why does Pausch think he became a better teacher and colleague by watching this fictional character on TV?
  3. What was so “cool” about this character?  
  4. When Pausch was at Carnegie Mellon in his virtual reality lab, who wanted to visit him?
  5. What did Pausch say was heroic about his visitor?
  6. After Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, what did the celebrity write on his photo?

Chapter 10 – Winning Big

  1. According to Pausch, who was the “coolest guy” at the carnival?
  2. How did stuffed animals play a role in Pausch’s life?
  3. What suspicions did many have about Pausch’s many stuffed animals?
  4. What is the one thing he didn’t want people to know about his success?
  5. What two secrets did Pausch say are necessary to winning giant stuffed animals?
  6. What did he do to show he still had an army of stuffed animals?
  7. What offer did he make to his audience members?
  8. What symbolism did Pausch see when one Carnegie Mellon student chose a particular animal?

LL Study Questions 67

Chapter 6 – Getting to Zero G

  1. What was a common dream of  kids and Pausch’s in his elementary class?
  2. What limitation prevented Pausch from achieving his dream?
  3. What was the “Weightless Wonder?”
  4. What sensations does one feel on it?
  5. How did Pausch’s dream become a reality?
  6. What bad news did Pausch receive when he and his class were invited to Johnson Space Center?  How did he circumvent NASA’s rule?
  7. Was NASA fooled when Pausch faxed them?  If not, what was its response?
  8. What did Pausch promise to do when NASA made an exception for his class?
  9. What lesson did he learn from this?
  10. Four decades later, on a 25-second ride, what did Pausch learn?

Chapter 7 – I Never Made It to the NFL

  1. What sport did Pausch love as a 9-year child?
  2. What was different about the first day of practice conducted by Jim Graham?
  3. What did he learn from the experience?
  4. What lesson did Pausch learn when Coach Graham kept criticizing his skills?
  5. What advice did the assistant offer Pausch when he felt his was a failure?
  6. How did Coach Graham teach kids self-esteem?
  7. What did Coach Graham do on the first day of practice when they wanted water?
  8. What did Pausch think about the coach’s actions then?  How did he view is as an adult?
  9. What saddens Pausch about today’s kids?
  10. Pausch says that Coach Graham was the master of the head-fake?  Explain this.